Through Hole PCB Assembly

OEAS is a leading provider of Through Hole PCB Assembly services, renowned for its unmatched expertise and precision in electronic manufacturing. Our state-of-the-art facilities guarantee that every component is carefully positioned and soldered to precise specifications, ensuring the production of high-quality and reliable circuit boards.

For companies in search of trusted Through Hole PCB Assembly services, OEAS emerges as a premier partner. We are adept at managing complex assembly processes and utilizing cutting-edge technologies to adhere to rigorous industry standards. Our committed team conducts comprehensive quality checks at every phase of Through Hole PCB Assembly, from the initial design validation to the final inspection of the product.

Benefits of Through Hole PCB

Benefits of Through-Hole Assembly

Through-hole assembly provides robust mechanical support for components due to their leads passing through the PCB and being soldered on the opposite side. This creates a strong physical connection that can withstand mechanical stress, vibrations, and thermal cycling, making it ideal for components subjected to harsh environments or frequent handling.
The through-hole assembly process allows for easier manual soldering and repair compared to surface-mount technology. Components with through-hole leads are more accessible for soldering by hand, making it simpler to perform repairs or modifications. This is particularly advantageous in prototyping, small-batch production, and field repairs where quick adjustments may be needed.
Through-hole components are generally more tolerant of variations in component size and lead alignment.

Thermal Profiling

This is used to discover the temperature profile that works best for the through hole PCB and to point out defects such as insufficient solder, misaligned components, marginal joints and more.

Flying Probe Testing

This is particularly used in cases of low volume and highly complex assemblies helps in detecting missing components as well as to validate the component placement.

ICI Testing

ICT (In-Circuit Testing) is extensively used for high volume production; it is extremely efficient in detecting parametric failures, PCB layout-related faults, and component failures.

Functional Testing

Used to authenticate board operations and behavior, functional testing helps to detect faulty component values, functional and parametric failures.

Through Hole PCB

Through Hole PCB Testing Protocols Include


Thermal Profiling

Thermal profiling involves measuring and recording the temperature of a PCB as it undergoes soldering processes. This ensures optimal heat distribution, preventing component damage and ensuring reliable solder joints.

Visual Inspection

Conducts manual or automated visual checks to identify any visible defects or irregularities, such as soldering issues, component misalignment, or physical damage.

In-Circuit Testing (ICT)

Uses test fixtures and automated equipment to check the electrical performance of individual components and connections on the PCB, verifying that each component is correctly placed and functioning.

Functional Testing

Evaluate the complete assembled PCB under operational conditions to ensure that the entire circuit functions as intended, simulating actual use cases and load conditions.
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Innovating Circuits, Empowering Futures.